Trouble running the Operations Center

During the course of the weekend, we have had a few customers write in requesting help because the Operations Center seems to act up suddenly.
We are working on a longer term fix to prevent this, but in the mean time we thought it would be good to digest here a few tips that we have gleaned from helping customers to get the issue resolved and get them back up and running:
1) Run the Operations Center as administrator.  You do this by selecting the Operations Center icon in your windows start menu, then right click, select MORE, then select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
2) If that doesn't cure the issue, you might be missing a key windows component that helps the OC to run.  Download this windows Visual Studio 2010 x86 redistributable file, ( and run it on your computer, then try running the Operations Center as Administrator as we described above.
If neither of those work, let us know and we will see what we can do to help get you running.
NOTE:  We are preparing an update to the Operations Center that we think will cure this issue for those who are affected.