Getting Support from PMDG

How do I get support?

PMDG provides technical support to our retail and commercial customers via the PMDG Support Desk.

Technical Support for Retail Customers is provided via: Technical Support for Commercial Customers is provided via:
  • Your dedicated PMDG Help Desk Portal (see your company administrator for details.)
  • Your dedicated company support representative.

What Kind of Support is Available?:

PMDG Technical Support is provided via our dedicated Ticket-Based system.  This system will connect you with the appropriate support technician for any possible support need.  If you are having a problem with your account, product installation,or the software itself, simply log sign up for an account at and one of us will get back to you. 

If you want to exchange interact with other PMDG customers and exchange ideas, ask for help or learn more about how to operate your PMDG simulation, then visit our customer support forum at

Please note:  We cannot teach you to fly these complex simulations via Technical Support, but we have plenty of resources in the forum and here in the PMDG Support Desk Knowledge Base to help you.

How long will it take to get an answer?:


Replies to Product Support Tickets:  Most tickets will be answered within 48 hours.  Occasionally, during heavy travel times or immediately follow the release of a new product, wait times may be slightly longer.  In all cases you will get an answer to technical support requests.

Replies to Billing/Sales Tickets:  Billing and Sales related tickets are generally answered within 3 business days.  Occasionally this timeline may be longer, but should not exceed seven (7) days.

Retail Customer Support Forum Answers: If you have a general question about how to operate parts of the simulation, or need help with your installation or tweaking your setup,our forum is the place to go! The PMDG Staff are frequent posters, but there are many knowledgeable users there to help you out!(And often you will get answers quickly!)

Can I get Technical Support by phone?:  Due to the global nature of our customer base, we do not provide telephone support as we have found that it is not practical to provide telephone based support services for retail customers.  Commercial customers may have direct technical support, depending upon your company's arrangements with PMDG.

Where is PMDG located?:

The PMDG Team consists of employees and contractors working in Canada, Belgium, Greece, Russia, South Africa and the United States.

In addition, PMDG currently has employees and contractors located in the following US States:  California, Georgia, Nevada, Virginia and Washington. 

PMDG is headquartered in Northern Virginia, near KDCA.   

Can I email a PMDG Developer directly with my question?

If you require assistance, we prefer that you contact technical support via the methods described above.  We discourage contacting individual members of the development team as you may reach them during personal time, vacation or during a heavy development period resulting in your question going unanswered. If individual members of the team wish to dialogue with you on a topic, we won't be shy about reaching out directly, but under no circumstances should you contact a PMDG employee directly for technical support. (We appreciate your understanding!)